Thu 02 Jan
Classy Lady with a Big SURPRISE in her PANTIES! - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
🔵❎🔵 /A\SHLEY ⭐(512-621-3257) 🔵🔴🔵 ¶PRiNCeSS with BiG thik WAND🔴Exit [#145] I-40 & MERIDIAN▶⏩⚫ - 23
(Oklahoma City, 🔴(🔴Exit [#145] 🔺 {I-40 & MERIDIAN}▶⏩⚫)
I'm Back ☎📞CAlLing ALL ☎📞👅👅FreaKs 👋COmE 👀sEe👀👇👇Me NoW Come get nasty with my freaky ass - 24
(Downtown newark, North Jersey)
👀🔊👂👉 💯% 👸BEAUTY💅 🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕➡TRANSEXUAL™ 💎👑Royalty💎👑 👅╠╣UNG 🔝🍆9 1/2💦💦 💪TOP 💥ⓜⒶⒼⒾⒸ💦💦👅 💥MOUTH👄💥 PARTY-GIRL🎱🎱 - 23
(North Jersey, North jersey Irvington area in an outcal)
@@@@ T R A N S E X U A L ------ V I S I T I N G ---------- DULLES AIRPORT -------- ------@@@@ - - 23
Exotic Ts Maylean,The Best Of The Both World's, Every Men Is Curious and I'm hére to HELP - 27
(Southern Maryland, Suitland/morningside)